Thursday, 31 March 2011

Better late...

The March edition of Disinflection is ready and, once again, it is more than the sum of its parts! It will be distributed to its usual (and some extra) outlets over the next day or so. Please get in touch via the comments section if you would like a copy posted to you...

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


As Ali explained in the previous post, the zine has vanished between the UK and Australia.

While a delayed correspondence is simply a part of the organic development of the zine, its replacement will be out shortly....

Friday, 11 March 2011

Zine...? Zine! Anyone seen a zine between here and Europe?

The March edition of Disinflection is a little way off as yet - the first package headed my way has vanished and a second incarnation has been sent forth in its place.
Emma is currently in Germany, having first stayed in London for a couple of weeks, and we both thought what a great idea if she sends her half of the zine from the UK. Neither of us had factored in the UK postal 'service'.
Most likely, it'll be keeping my husband's parcel of clothing company - the one that the Royal English Homing Moth Service, four years on, has yet to deliver. Or we could end up with twin zines.
We're hoping the German postal service will prove efficient and we can get Disinflection assembled and out in galleries, cafes and other haunts in Melbourne and Bowral.